Rosie Basquin

Sep 23, 20223 min

A Roast Beef Sandwich Changed My Whole Perspective!

Really? A roast beef sandwich? But here me out, it truly is the little things that make a difference. So this week has been tough for me, imposter syndrome in full effect. Instead of celebrating my small wins, I have been heavily focusing on what I don’t have, what I lost, and what I’ve been missing out on. When I receive praise and accolades, I question if I am even worthy enough. Crazy right? I preach knowing your worth and not selling yourself short and here I am being crippled by my own doubts; but of course, we are human, doubts and fears get the best of us. But yes, back on track to my sandwich. So all week long I had been craving a REALLY good sub. Now I could have easily woken up one day and bought one right? But I had been so busy with other stuff, my impulsivity never allowed me the time to pick up and go get this sandwich. Also, I have put myself on a budget (ew) trying to get my house in order. God can't bless a house that isn’t in order, so I have been doing the nitty gritty work to do what I got to do so I can get where I need to be.

So this is now 4 days in of me still craving a sandwich, and by now I would have totally given in to my cravings but I get off work really late so by the time I am able to devour the sandwich in peace how I’d want, (late night eating is my kryptonite-shoutout to my bike for keeping me in shape) all the sandwich places are obviously closed. I didn't want just any sandwich! You ever have a craving and you get the item you've been craving and it doesn't hit? True pain! So this particular day, I was running rampant trying to get through my errands before I went to work and I didn’t get a chance to eat anything. I told myself that I was going to buy lunch that day and it was going to be that damn sandwich I've been craving!

Unbeknownst to me, when I walked into work, guess what was in the office? The staff was celebrating and ordered sandwiches!!!!! Roast beef sandwich, all the works on the side to customize it how you’d like, on freshly baked Publix bread. And on top of that? SNACK AND GOODIES! Potato salad, chips, cake, and my favorite pineapples! All waiting just for me! This small gesture of the staff ordering sandwiches had nothing to do with me, but I couldn't help but think how great God was. I know I had been craving a sandwich and I wasn’t able to get it when I wanted, but because of my patience and dutifulness, when I LEAST expected it, I had a sandwich that was better than I could have imagined. A feast of not just a sandwich, but all the works too! Completely shifted my tainted perspective.

All week I had been harboring thoughts and fears, but if God takes care of the lilies planted on earth, and the sparrows in the sky, why wouldn't he take care of me? I am wonderfully and beautifully made in his creation, and even something as small as a roast beef sandwich he provides, and I didn’t have to spend a dime. The Lord knows our needs, wants, and desires, but are we willing to do what it takes to receive them? Sometimes that means being patient, holding onto faith, and walking in alignment with him. It may not be when you want it, but it will definitely come through at just the right time (and when you really need it). That roast beef sandwich was hitting okay! Snapped me right out of my self-doubt and sent me a loud message. God hears you, HE GOT YOU! Keep doing what you need to do and he will take care of the rest.

So stay blessed, and please…if you haven't? Get a roast beef sandwich from Publix! It just might change your life.

Listen to Episode 1 of my Podcast Here!
